Riverwoods Resident Association | The Legacy

Riverwoods Residents Association Logo

Before there was a Village of Riverwoods, there was the Riverwoods Resident Association. 

Riverwoods Residents Association Members

For the last few years, the RRA was held together by the sheer dedication and commitment of Jill Kaplan. In 2023, a few newer residents saw the need to revitalize this important organization and become its stewards. In 2023, the RRA successfully drafted new bylaws to not only support resident focused groups such as the Nominating Committee (NomCom), but to provide an outlet for residents to have strength in numbers. 

The RRA hopes to work to both maintain the identity of Riverwoods and be the group that brings residents together. They are 100% volunteer run and are looking forward to what 2024 may bring. They hope you will join them on their journey! 

To learn more about the RRA's Legacy, click here. To join them in their journey, visit rrasite.org/membership.

Questions? Please contact Julie Varvaro at 630-913-5006.