Need Help in Lake County | Dial 211

211 Essential Services Graphic

211 is a free, easy-to-remember, confidential helpline that connects people in need to a wide range of essential health and human services.

Expert navigators are trained specialists who listen, identify underlying problems, and guide people to available resources. Since its start, 211 has made more than 250,000 connections in every zip code in Lake County, providing help for housing and shelter, rent and utility assistance, mental health and addictions, food, healthcare and more. It also aids law enforcement by reducing non-emergency calls to 911.

Examples of How 211 Can Help You

  • The electricity was just turned off because the owner couldn’t pay the bill. Call 211 to find out how to get help catching up on payments.
  • A grandmother can’t live alone any more. Her family wishes they could take care of her, but they work all day. Call 211 to learn how to find a caring, safe place for her to live.
  • Someone in your neighbor's home has started hitting her. Use 211 to find a safe place to go right now and to make a plan for the future.
  • A teenager seems to have lost friends and spends too much time alone in his room. 211 can guide his parents to a mental health expert who can help them decide what to do next.
  • A friend just got a new job but is not sure how to get there. 211 can send him/her to transportation resources that can help.

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