January is the National Radon Action Month

Radon is a radioactive gas that is a result of the breakdown of uranium in the earth’s crust. It is the #1 cause of cancer in people that have never smoked and the #2 cause of cancer in people that smoke currently or have ever smokedin the past. It causes about 21,000 deaths per year nationally, with about 1,160 per year in Illinois. 

It is estimated that 1 out of every 15 homes in the United States has an unsafe radon level. That ratio changes to 1 in every 2 in Illinois, so residents are urged to have their homes tested. Test kits can be purchased at most hardware or home improvement stores or online.

Mitigation systems are required in all new dwelling units and can be installed in existing homes at a cost of around $1,500 to $1,700.

Those that would like to learn more about radon, its causes, effects, and how to remediate it, can go to the American Lung Cancer or the Illinois Emergency Management Agency websites for detailed information about radon.