Door to Door Soliciting

No Solicitors Invited

Door to Door Solicitors must obtain a permit from the Chief of Police and carry a Village issued ID card with their photo.  Issuance of a permit only means the solicitor met the qualifications for acquiring a permit and paid the required fee. A permit is not an endorsement of the product the solicitor is selling.

Solicitor Permit Exemptions

  • Individuals seeking to influence personal beliefs on any political or religious matter.
  • Individuals seeking to obtain donations on behalf of any charitable, religious, or political purposes.
  •  Solicitation for the purchase of or subscription to newspapers, magazines, journals, periodicals, and other publications.

Solicitors, whether registered with the Village or not, may not conduct door to door soliciting of any residences in the village prior to nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. or after eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. of any day.

Solicitors, whether registered with the Village or not, may not conduct door to door soliciting of any residences visibly displaying a No Solicitors Invited sign.  Minimally, a sign must be on a legible card, approximately three inches by four inches (3" x 4") in size with letters at least one-third inch (1/3") in height, exhibited upon or near the main entrance door to the residence or business or at or near the entrance of any guardhouse or security gate. Cards are available free of charge at Village Hall and the Police Station.

For the full Solicitor Ordinance, go here to Chapter 3 in the Village Code.

If you believe the Solicitor Ordinance is being violated, contact the Police Department at 847-945-1820.