Introducing Our New Directors

The Village welcomes Steve Witt as Director of Community Services and Tony Vasquez as Finance Director. 

Director Steve Witt standing next to an American Flag

Steve started August 21.  He is a licensed architect and structural engineer certified in multiple areas of residential, commercial and property inspection with many years of municipal experience working with the Villages of Oak Park, Glen Ellyn and Midlothian. 

Director Tony Vasquez standing next to an American Flag

Tony started on September 11.  He has a BS degree in Accountancy, a Masters degree in Public Administration and a Graduate Certificate of Public Management as well as over 15 years of extensive municipal experience working with the Villages of Mundelein and Winnetka.  He is a member of the Government Finance Officers Association.

We are genuinely excited about the experience and expertise Steve and Tony bring to the operations of our Village. 

Please welcome our new Directors!