If You Have a Business in Riverwoods (including at home), Annual Licensing is Required

All businesses in Riverwoods, brick and mortar as well as home occupancy businesses, must complete a Business License Application annually with the Village of Riverwoods' Building Department. Please find a copy of the application below. Applications for 2024 are due by the end of the year. 

Home occupations are regulated by the Village to ensure that business activities do not disturb the peace, quiet and domestic tranquility of residential neighborhoods.  To that end, permitted home occupancies DO NOT INCLUDE wholesale or retail businesses unless they are conducted entirely by mail or telephone and do not involve in-person sale, receipt, or delivery of merchandise on the premises; any manufacturing business; a service establishment; a medical clinic or hospital; a barbershop or beauty shop; a stable or dog kennel open to the public; a restaurant; a veterinary or animal hospital; any activity that produces noxious matter, or is a public hazard or nuisance; rental use of the house or premises unless pursuant to a post-closing agreement as part of the sale of the property, or unless the home stay rental contract is for four weeks or longer.

Please note that the following operational restrictions apply to home occupations.

1.   All activities must be conducted within the dwelling unit or within an accessory building on the property.

2.   No direct retail sales of merchandise, other than by personal invitation or appointment is permitted.

3.   All storage of goods, materials, products or merchandise used or sold in conjunction with the business shall be wholly within the principal building or accessory building containing the home occupation. There shall be no exterior storage of equipment or materials used in home occupations.

4.  Home occupations shall not include the use of any mechanical equipment except that which is usual for purely domestic or hobby purposes or which does not produce noise, electrical or magnetic interference, vibration, heat, glare, emissions, odor, intense light, or radiation outside the principal dwelling that is greater or more frequent than that of typical equipment used in connection with residential occupancy.

5.  Exterior displays or signs identifying or promoting the business are not permitted.

6.  The repair, bodywork or painting of any automobile, trailer, truck or other vehicle (other than for operable vehicles privately owned by and registered in the name of the owner of the property on which said vehicles are located) is not permitted.

7.   Parking of commercial vehicles outside of a garage, whether or not used in a permitted home occupation, shall be subject to the provisions of section 9-4-4 of the Village Code.

Questions? Contact Vivian Hofeld at 847-945-3990 or vhofeld@riverwoods.gov.