Federal Life Property Update

At the Board's March 20 meeting, action was taken by the Village of Riverwoods, to explore the purchase of the Federal Life property on Deerfield Road with a simultaneous transfer of a portion of the property to the Lincolnshire Riverwoods Fire Protection District (LRFPD).
The LRFPD serves most of Riverwoods, with the eastern section of the Village served by the Deerfield Bannockburn Fire Protection District. Click here to view the Fire District map.
The owners of the Federal Life property approached the Village with a proposal to sell the property for public use.  Coincidentally, after a study done by the LRFPD for assessment of response times, the LRFPD was seeking a new location closer to Milwaukee Avenue to reduce overall response times. 
The Village Board was of the opinion that this opportunity warranted further investigation and so directed the Village Attorney to engage in discussions with the LRFPD and Lake County.  The Deerfield Road project is an important part of the eventual use of the property, so Lake County will be included in this potential multi-part transaction.  The Village Board received an update from the Village Attorney at the April 2 meeting.  It should be noted that the LRFPD Board has not yet given their approval, but through discussions between LRFPD's consultants and the Village regarding building fit and design, have begun a due diligence process.  
The Village Board will continue to receive updates at each of their next meetings as a regular agenda item and will continue to share these updates in our weekly newsletter.